One of the Young Lives representatives contacted me and explained the mission of Young Life is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and to help them grow in their faith. She went on to tell me they do this by training and equipping volunteer leaders, like you and I, to enter the world of high school students and mentor and love them just as they are. As the leaders build relationships with the teenagers they share the good news of Jesus Christ with them and provide strong role models for these girls. The goal is to reach out to teen moms of all different backgrounds and give them hope for their future and for their children.
The first event was a photography shoot and I was honored when asked to be one of the photographers. The girls were gifted a framed portrait of their child or them together as well as a disk with additional images they could print and share with family. Each event the girls gather together and grow in their relationships with one another as well as their faith.
At every Young Lives meeting girls will be provided transportation if needed, dinner, child care, and a chance to shop at a donation store. Events are held once a month on Thursday evenings at Parkway United Methodist Church. The next event will be held on May 10th and it will be a Yoga night. I encourage you to spread the news to any girls you know that would be interested. It is a safe place for them to come and be who they are. If you are interested in supporting this new program they would welcome you with open arms. Some of the needs are as follows:
*Adult women to be leaders for the girls. These are individuals committed to developing relationships with the girls outside of the monthly events.
*Volunteers to transport the girls and their children to and from the monthly events.
*Groups to provide dinner.
*People to be on site at the church to serve in the child care area.
*Donated goods such as baby and maternity clothes, baby supplies, diapers, and larger items for raffles like car seats, swings, and pack in plays.
Programs like these cannot survive without the help of outside sources and enthusiastic individuals that want to help make a positive impact in someone else's life. If you are compelled to serve or donate in any of these areas please feel free to contact myself or Parkway United Methodist Church, which graciously offers their campus to be used for the monthly meetings. Myself as well as the church would be happy to connect you with one of the ministry leaders.
"In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Acts 20:35
Here are a few images from the photography event.