Thursday, December 22, 2011

CHRISTmas through the eyes of a child! {My Inspiration}

My littlest is going to be two in January and anyone that has met her knows she is the energizer bunny in disguise.  I try to keep up with her on a daily basis and she seems to out do me every time.  What I would give to bottle up 1/4 of her energy, especially this time of the year!

With life being so demanding, the holidays snuck up on me quickly! It did not take long and I had fallen behind on gift purchasing, decorating, and merely enjoying the season and holiday I call Christmas.  I realized I had bought my daughter an adorable festive outfit, yet had not taken one photo of her in it.  I decided why not put EVERYTHING aside and play dress up.   Little did I know my daughter would be the one to open my eyes and remind me to slow down and reflect on the true importance of CHRISTmas!

Looking at this image flooded me with emotion and I knew right then purchasing the perfect gift, making the holiday party on time, or indulging in the many amazing holiday desserts had nothing to do with the true meaning of this wonderful holiday.  Christmas is called Christmas for a reason and it is because we are celebrating CHRIST and the day he was born.  Like many, I found myself getting caught up in the stresses of life and was slowly losing sight of the real meaning of this beautiful holiday.  Sitting on the floor with my daughter and playing with blocks was much more important than fighting traffic to search the stores for the perfect cabbage patch doll.  Our dress up day allowed me to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. This is just another reason why I fell in love with photography.  Every year I will look at this image and a little something inside me will sparkle.

 I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and don't forget to slow down every once in while and enjoy the many blessings around you.  



  1. Beautiful photos & I love the post! Merry Christmas!

  2. What a great post! I know it's sometimes hard not to get caught up in all the holiday chaos, but it's always nice to have that reminder of true blessings of the season.

  3. Omg I absolutely love, love, love the article and it is so true but I also I have to say that those pictures are absolutely adorable. That last one of her eating that lollipop looks like it belongs in a candy shop in galleria. Just too cute!!
    Great job.

  4. Great pictures! LOVE her headband! ;)
