Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"I Love You Through and Through" {My Inspiration}

My youngest daughters favorite book is "I Love You Through and Through."  We have read it so often that she basically finishes the sentences for me.  The other day I heard her little voice coming from her bedroom.  Curious as to what she was doing I quietly peeked around the corner and immediately had one of those "mommy moments."  She had got her bear and was reading her favorite story to him, in her words of course!  I was fortunate enough to have my camera close by so I quickly grabbed it and nonchalantly started taking some pictures of her and the interaction she was having with her friend "bear."  I was amazed as I watched her do some of the exact things with her bear as I would do with her when we read the book together.  At that moment I was reminded how special those little times are when we just sit on the floor and read a book together.  My family is my world and even in the busiest times they can always find a way to keep me grounded and remind me to treasure the important things in life!

1 comment:

  1. These are absolutely priceless! Love the conversion and the storytelling images. Wonderful memories for you both!
